Map by Leonardo Boselli

Version 1/140824

"Automatic walk in a map."


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


++ 0% (Reading text)
++ 5% (Analysing sentences)
++ 15% (Drawing inferences)
++ 20% (Binding rulebooks)
++ 23% (Binding rulebooks)
++ 26% (Binding rulebooks)
++ 29% (Binding rulebooks)
++ 32% (Binding rulebooks)
++ 35% (Binding rulebooks)
++ 38% (Binding rulebooks)
In Chapter - The Map in the extension Map by Leonardo Boselli:

You wrote 'First clicking hyperlink rule (this is the default map
hyperlinks rule)' (Leonardo Boselli/Map.i7x, line 34):
but the punctuation here ':' makes me think this should be a definition of
a phrase and it doesn't begin as it should, with either 'To' (e.g. 'To
flood the riverplain:'), 'Definition:', a name for a rule (e.g. 'This is
the devilishly cunning rule:'), 'At' plus a time (e.g. 'At 11:12 PM:' or
'At the time when the clock chimes') or the name of a rulebook, possibly
followed by some description of the action or value to apply to (e.g.
'Instead of taking something:' or 'Every turn:').
++ Ended: Translation failed: 1 problem found
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Version 1/140824 of Map by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"Automatic walk in a map."

Include Automap by Mark Tilford.

Chapter - The Map

The automap standard status line rule is not listed in any rulebook.

Use automap hyperlinks.

Current autowalk destination is a room that varies. Autowalk destination set is a truth state that varies.

Autowalking to room is an action applying to one thing. Understand "[any visited room]" as autowalking to room.
Carry out autowalking to room:
   now autowalk destination set is true;
   now current autowalk destination is the noun;
   try autowalking.
Autowalking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "go to the map spot" as autowalking.
Carry out autowalking (this is the performing autowalk rule):
   if autowalk destination set is true begin;
     now autowalk destination set is false;
     let TS be show exit descriptions;
     now show exit descriptions is false;
     try hyperlink moving to room current autowalk destination;
     now show exit descriptions is TS;
     say "(This command is active only when it is generated by the map)[line break]" (A);
   end if.

First clicking hyperlink rule (this is the default map hyperlinks rule):
   if current link number codes a glulx object:
     now hyperlink clicked is true;
     now current autowalk destination is glulx equivalent of current link number;
     now autowalk destination set is true;
     now glulx replacement command is "go to the map spot" (A);
     rule succeeds;
     continue the action.

Chapter END

Map ends here.